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Hands on Wildlife Kits

The purpose of Hands on Wildlife (HOW) is to provide educators with conservation education instructional tools they can use in hands-on instruction. The HOW can be used in a variety of subject matter areas: science, history, economics, math, art, language arts, nature center programs, and more. It gives teachers and others who work with young people resources and ideas to introduce youth to important concepts of habitat, wildlife

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management and impacts resulting from human and wildlife interactions. The HOW Kit can be used with any age and at any grade level.

Instructors find HOW valuable: HOW is suitable for use by classroom teachers, environmental educators in local, state and federal parks, 4-H and Scout leaders, wildlife conservation educators in State and Federal fish and wildlife agencies, community nature centers and hunting, fishing or trapping organizations who do wildlife education programs in their community.

Students find HOW enlightening: The kit offers children and adults a hands-on wildlife experience in an urban, suburban, or rural setting, in or out of doors. For many, the learning kit is the gateway to appreciation of the outdoor world and provides their only contact with a wild animal. HOW helps adults and young people in our increasingly urban environment re-establish their connection with our land and their link to the natural world.

Instructors and students find HOW Kit contents interesting:– Pelts, replicas of skulls, scat, and tracks of North American beaver, coyote, raccoon, and rabbit. These represent omnivores, herbivores and carnivores that live in similar habitat.

– A poster of the four animals to assist in teaching

– “Habitat Earth” DVD

– America’s Wildlife – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow curriculum

– Education in Environmental Involvement Outdoors (EIEIO) curriculum

– Curriculum quick-guide to enhance instructional strategies and expand the contents of the kit

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