Northwest Chapter
Safari Club International

The Dick Gates Memorial
Youth Hunt
Introducing others to hunting is one of the best ways to ensure the continuation of hunting and the responsible conservation of the animals for future generations. Most of us remember our first experience with hunting, some were very young and for some it was not too long ago. In June of 2002 the Northwest Chapter of Safari Club International began sponsoring an annual youth with the help of the club and several volunteers within the chapter.
The youth hunt is an opportunity for young men and women, ages ranging from 8 to 18 years old, to experience the outdoors and hunting. A parent or guardian gets the

opportunity to accompany the hunters and be there for the experience. The club does everything it can to provide everything from lodging to food to guides for the hunters and their guest to ensure anyone who wants to go can experience the hunt regardless of their resources.

The first youth hunt took place at Clover Creek Ranch in Oregon, now the Four Aces, and continues there to this day. Four Aces ranch is located in central Oregon specializing in non-native species of exotics but is now expanding to include native species in the area. The ranch is owned and operated by Caleb Johnson and his wife Chantel who work with the Northwest Chapter to continue the tradition. The ranch and facilities provide an ideal opportunity to get familiar with hunting with both family and other hunters their age and experience.
Through all of our efforts we have taken over 130 young boys and girls hunting at the ranch. Some as young as eight years old, some handicapped in various ways and many that harvested their very first animal.
Each year the Northwest Chapter raffles, auctions and sells 10 spots for annual youth hunt at the annual banquet. The proceeds from the auctions and raffles go toward expenses from the hunt and providing opportunities to hunt. If you are interested in
attending a youth hunt we encourage coming to the Northwest Chapter’s annual banquet, regardless of membership status within the club, to see what we are about and speak to some of the volunteers who guide and support the hunt each year.
If you are interested in contributing to the youth hunt or know a youth that would be interested in going to the hunt you can bid on the hunt and sponsor a youth of your choice to attend. They don't need any hunting experience and we can work to ensure they have everything they need to have a successful hunt.
If you do have questions you can also contact us Here.