Northwest Chapter
Safari Club International

Sportsmen Against Hunger
How are you giving back to your community?

Just a few donations of wild game meat and non-perishable goods at the Salvation Army in Tacoma.
Pick Your Option to Donate Back to the Community!!!
Option #1
You donate professionally processed wild game & non-perishable goods to your local food bank that accepts it.
Please notify the webmaster at webmaster@scinw.com of your donation
What was donated, how many pounds & where the donation was made.
Please include a picture to put in the quarterly magazine to show how sportsman are giving back to the community.
Local Food Banks Accepting Professionally Processed Wild Game
Salvation Army Food Bank- Tacoma- (Phone: 253-572-8452)
Bonney Lake Food Bank- (Phone: 253-863-4043)
Edmonds Food Bank- (Phone: 425-778-5833)
Pierce County Food Banks
Call to confirm these locations accept professionally processed wild game
King County Food Banks
- Call to confirm these locations accept professionally processed wild game
- https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/countyfb.cgi?county=King-County&state=WA
Option #2
Bring your wild game to one of our two processors listed below & the SCI Northwest Chapter will pay for it to be processed & delivered to a local food bank.
Please contact the webmaster at webmaster@scinw.com before bringing your wild game to be donated. We will make sure your donation gets paid for.
Mt. View Meat & Sausage Company
Option #3
Donate money to help fund the processing of wild game.
Contact our Treasurer at treasurer
Your Trusted Butcher Shop
-Homemade Smoked Meats
-Family Owned for Three Generations
Address: 23022 172nd Ave S.E., Kent, WA. 98042
Phone: (253) 631-3172
Will cut, wrap, and donate your legally hunted deer to a local food bank of their choosing, for $60.00.
*The deer must be previously skinned, and clean.
This is quality shop, that a lot of our members use for game processing, specialty meats, and we use them as our event caterer.