Northwest Chapter
Safari Club International

Many hunters think of the importance of international conservation, especially in developing countries, and some forget to realize the threats hunting and subsequently conserving animals faces at home. The Northwest Chapter of Safari Club International is committed to local conservation on several fronts.
Ever year millions of dollars are spent by sportsmen on tags and licenses that goes to help fund biologists, game warrens and law enforcement. The Northwest Chapter works to supplement the money used for conservation by providing education, opportunity and by campaigning against people who want to restrict the rights of hunters and sportsmen.
Biologists work to relocate a heard of Mountain Goats form the Olympic Peninsula - Ron Carter 2018
SCI Northwest members and master hunters building pheasant feeders.
Members of Northwest Chapter have developed and implemented a local
anti-poaching project
The SCI Northwest Youth Hunt exposed youths to hunting with a focus on fun and education
Northwest Chapter works with schools to provide conservation education materials.